Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It seems like yesterday that we watched the ball drop for 2008. Our year has been quiet year, regarding hospital visits and illnesses. We are still living in the same house even though we have had our house on the market most of the year. Why are we selling our house? That's a good question. Right now we believe that God is calling us to do some kind of missions work and if we could be without a house payment we would have more funds to use to go to, say South Africa. As of today, we are thinking about spending our summers in South Africa (see more details under my picture.) We pray that you have a blessed new year in 2009.

Philip -

Still is working at Alcatel, which is now Alcatel-Lucent. There have been many layoffs this year and he's watched co-workers leave, it's not fun for anyone. Philip has felt led to do some sort of missions work along with Becky. He is still seeking God's will in what mission means for us. Philip still loves to do woodworking and has built us shelves throughout our house.

Becky -

Works at First Baptist Church in McKinney as a Worship & Arts assistant. She went on two mission trips this year. The first one was to the Netherlands where we helped a church with a week of outreach. We walked to every door in the village and gave them an invitation to join us in all of our events, ranging from a kids day with games at a playground to a concert by my friend Arletha Green. The most interesting response was a lady who was willing to pay for the rose we were giving with the invitation but when we told her that I was free she refused it. That's how people treat God sometimes, He has offered a free gift of eternal life but people think they have to pay for it or earn it. The second trip Becky took was to South Africa. It was a world wind tour of Cape Town and East London. She was with her group from the church and sang at many venues in the two cities. She also helped clean and paint at a camp called Fort White. This might be a summer mission trip for the whole family in 2009.

Emily -

Is in the 5th grade at Cornerstone Christian Academy. She loves animals, especially horses. She got to go to a horse camp this summer. Emily is a great writer and loves to write plays. She is very creative. Emily is really excited about the chance of helping people in South Africa. She has always had a heart for other people.


Is in the 3rd grade. She loves her friends! Allie is very social and always wants to set up a play date or sleepover. Allie has started playing soccer this year and she is really good. She is a great defender. Her team won 3rd place in the league and they won their fall tournament undefeated. Allie is a great organizer and she keeps her mom in line. Allie also likes to write plays and always wants her friends to come over to perform them. She was part of our summer musicals at church.


Is in Kindergarten. He is a sweet boy and he is very thoughtful of other people. Thomas started soccer this year also but was more interested in his shadow while he was running than going after the ball. He will try baseball his spring. Thomas has proven to be the family's best bowler on Wii Sports. He creams us every time we play him. He loves it! Thomas is great at his chores and will do them without any problems, as long as he gets paid his allowance each week. Thomas is funny and makes us laugh all the time.

Have a great 2009!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Now what? Wait? What do I do while I wait? All questions that I have asked my Father lately. I know that He has something in store for the Fudges but I don't know what. The sermons and radio shows that I listen to have been talking about using the gifts that God has given us or waiting for God's best. Ok, I get it. But now what? How do I keep doing what I'm doing, knowing that God has something planned. Am I doing everything I need to be doing? Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing in order for the plan to be put into action? I am confused and a little anxious, not in what is going to happen but when is it going to happen? With all that I still know that God is God and He has a plan that I might not understand or do I have to understand it. I am to obey his call and just do whatever He asks me to do, I don't have to figure out what or why He's doing it. It's called faith. I can't wait to see what God is going to do. He is always so incredible!

Friday, October 17, 2008

What is ahead?

There are times in our lives when we are standing on the bridge as you pass to the next part of your life. I was there during the summer before I left for college. I was there when I had applied to over 20 school districts yet had not received a job. I stood on a bridge and looked in awe when I was packing our house before we moved overseas. I am again standing there. We have our house on the market and we've been talking to a friend in South Africa who is starting a school there. Are we supposed to move to South Africa? Are we supposed to contact the mission board to go some where else in the world? I am about to set up camp on this bridge because I don't see the other side. But one thing I have learned, God places these bridges in my path. I can either be anxious and fret over what is next or I can enjoy the view from the bridge. I wish that I had the map in front of me with a detailed key, but I know God's plan for me is good. I have been promised that God will give me a future to prosper me and bring me hope.

So here I am, on my bridge, waiting to see what is ahead.